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New Resource Published: Toolkit for Cross-Disciplinary Workshops

CS&S Event Fund directly invests in emerging community leaders around the world to organize events. One of the goals of the Event Fund is to improve transparency and increase access to resources and training materials to help others run more inclusive open data science events. Our grantees embrace this ethos of sharing, recognizing that cultivating relationships and skills for more equitable next-generation science takes time, money andimportantlysharing of lessons learned. Thus, the events and communities we fund commit to making their conference and event materials and outputs publicly available.

We are excited to share the most recent example of this collective knowledge making -  the Open Post Academics' "Toolkit for Cross-Disciplinary Workshops" which emerged from the Event-Fund supported "Open Problem Workshop" held in 2021. The workshop asked how real world problems in the field of data science could call for the expertise of PhDs from all fields. In the resulting toolkit, the team shares some nine activities and suggestions on how to facilitate cross-disciplinary activities in an online, collaborative setting.

We congratulate the co-authoring/organizing team Beth M. Duckles, Borhane Blili-Hamelin, and Marie-Ève Monette on your workshop and resulting resource and encourage groups that are seeking to run cross-disciplinary events to check out the toolkit.

Featured Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash