
Announcing the New Cohort of Event Fund!

Apr 16, 2024

Code for Science & Society is excited to announce the fourth cohort of Event Fund!

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Feb 16, 2023

Behind the Scenes: What it takes to run CODATA-RDA School of Research Data Science

Event Fund seeks to bring attention to the often under-documented and invisibilized processes, technologies, people, and practices that undergird more inclusive and accessible data science event programming. In this post we learn about Event Fund grantee, CODATA-RDA Schools of Research Data Science, which was a ten-week-long virtual course, with the objective of teaching foundational skills in data science to Early Career Researchers (ECRs) in Low to Middle Income Countries (LMICs).

Feb 3, 2023

3 Hypotheses for Open Workers

We are in a moment of public reckoning about the governance of digital technologies and the future of civil society. How have ideas of openness, freedom, and decentralization served anti-corporate struggles? Where have they proved ineffective at challenging the status quo?

Jan 17, 2023

Developing Guidelines for Community Participation

As part of the Event Fund 2022 seminar series for grantees, CS&S convened an interactive workshop with Shannon Dosemagen on developing guidelines for community participation. Shannon led the group to reflect on and begin to articulate the values and practices they want to promote in their event (and what to do if those are breached).

Dec 19, 2022

New Project Launch: Supporting Communities of Practice Working on Climate-Sensitive Infectious Disease

With our partners at Wellcome Trust, Code for Science & Society is launching a new project to support open source communities of practice developing modeling tools for Climate Sensitive Infectious Diseases (CSID).

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