CS&S Joins the Earth Day EcoChallenge

This year marks the 50th anniversary of Earth Day! We at Code for Science & Society believe sustainability of our people and planet is essential to the work we do. By inspiring our community to take part, we can positively impact environmental and social well-being. To put this into practice, we’ve joined the Earth Day Ecochallenge, and invite you to join, too! During the month of April, you will pledge to take small actions and create habits that promote social and environmental health. Pledges aim for six major goals - sustainable living, healthy food systems, deep equity, living water, balanced climate, and mindful consumption. Pledges can include supporting pollinator species in your neighborhood, composting food waste, joining local clean-up efforts (while social distancing), or getting involved with a water justice movement. Ecochallenge’s mission of being proactive about sustainability aligns with our organization’s mission to be collaborative, future-facing, and develop solutions that empower communities.

You can find Code for Science and Society here on the ecochallenge website. Feel free to create your own team in our organization, or challenge the CS&S staff to a competition! If you enjoy the challenge and want to continue beyond April, consider joining the ongoing Drawdown challenge.